World Dog Show 2006 in Poznan
- Poland
the rings
Harald, Ute, Annett and Frank at the ringside
Petra and Gerd-Christian
Ch. Ischyma Carat in the ring - Victor
Shiverskikh (Vaskes Borzoi) from Moscow, was so kind to present him so well
This is not the final placement, Carat got
Excellent (without placement - he was among the last 8 from 25 in Championclass)
Ch. Ischyma Fandango proudly presented by his
co-owner Ute Ruoff he also got excellent
Cher z Bilmy (Carat's daughter) had not so much
fun in the ring - she got very good in Junior class, presented by Harald
Ute also presented our Ischyma Hanoeschka and
got excellent
two sisters, Ischyma Hanoeschka and Hozette
with her owner Rasa Stadalninkai
Hozette shows her beautifull movement
Ischyma Hanoeschka says hello to Ch. Ischyma
First Lady and her owner Antoaneta Paskova
Ischyma Fantasy got Excellent 1 and CWC in
Working class handled by her owner Annett Kitsche
Fantasy in the best Bitch competition
Antoaneta Paskova with her Paskova Azzaro
(a son of Ch. Ischyma First Lady)
Fandango says hello to Antoaneta
Paskova Amazing Shine (the Best Puppy-winner)
with her mother Ischyma First Lady says hello to Carat
Fandango with Rasa, thanks to family
Stadalnikai - they brought a very tasty "tree-cake" for us :-)
a little break - Harald trys a huge Polish
a very cold beer after the show
Gerd-Christian, Harald, Annett, Petra and Frank
breakfest the next morning before leaving
but first, the dogs have to go for a walk