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Verbandssiegerausstellung 2009
German Sighthoundclub Specialty 2009
11/07/09 judge: Wolfgang Baumann/D

Ischyma Nijinski Tulpar aka Ahriman, sadly without coat got vg4 in Juniorclass

Maxim got EXC 1 and the title Verbandsjugendsieger 2009

wonderfull movement

our sweet Olivia is looking what happened

Nina Saier in good mood

we had nice weather

Karin and Manfred Stephan with Ischyma Jaden Triskel and Ischyma Junior Triskel


Ulrike Ebel with Ahriman

Ischyma McCauley aka Magic got the CAC at this importand show

Petra with Maxim and Olivia

smalltalk at the ringside

Ch. Ischyma Jaden Triskel in Championclass

as also his brother Ch. Ischyma Junior Triskel

Junior received EXC 3

but Jaden EXC 1 and best male with the Title Verbandssieger 2009

two happy persons

in veteranclass our eleven years old Ch. Ischyma Alyne got EXC 1 with Vet.-CAC. She fullfilled now the condistions of the German Veteran Champion

still in good form

Stephans and Jaden

in open class Ischyma Karona got EXC 3

Maxime relaxed

Ulrike and Ahriman

Manfred with Junior, his father Ch. Triskel Celtic Krylov and his uncle Trident Type Krylov

Ch. Ischyma Fashion got EXC 4 in Championclass

Harald and Alyne

Harald and Maxim

Karin with Jaden