Steffi with Kazim
he got very promissing and was among the best 4 puppies of the show
Ischyma Irtysch in the moment without coat got EXC 3 in Juniorclass
Karin and Irtysch
Ute Ruoff with Ischyma Kyrill, he also got very promissing
Karin Moomen-v.d. Loo with Ischyma Gagarin
he got Excellent in open class
Harald Seidel with Ch. Ischyma Carat
he won the title Verbandssieger 2007 - we are so proud!!
Ute with Ch. Ischyma Fandango, he received Excellent in Championclass
Harald & Carat
The judge Nelly Ahrend congratulated Steffi with the result very promissing for
Ischyma Hanoeschka got EXC 2 RCAC
Harald with Ch. Ischyma Fashion
she got Exc 4 in Championclass
the final-photo with Carat
also Ischyma Kandinski came with this owners, family Bachmann to meet us
Ute present Kyrill
our K's in the Ring of honour, Kandra, Kyrill and Kazeem, he was among the best
4 in this ring
the best 4 Puppies of the show
Fandango with his kids, Kazeem, Kandra, Kyrill and Kandinski
Heiko and Fandango took part at the competition child with dog - they made
a good job