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On Oktober 20th and 21st all Ischymas spent a wonderfull time at Seidel's home

happy arriving, all puppies in the car with their mother Baala

Lentay wonders where he is

as also Libelle and Leeloo

grand-aunt Ch. Ischyma Alyne nearly 10 yearls old with Lentay



Lord Orlow

Lolita with mummy Baala



the other adults are coming to say hello to the puppies,  first Henrijette

then old grand-aunt Margeaux-Manon de Nikolaiev 11 years old


then came Germelin, Angora and Cher

and also Carat

all are playing together

Carat and Cher

"the adults are playing so wild"

"here we are sure"

Baala, Angora, Henrijette, Cher

Lentay at the puppy-playground at Seidel's home


Frank shows them the way into the house

Libelle & Leeloo


Old Ch. Milva de Nikolaiev at the best place, 11,5 years old

later also family Sander was coming with Chopin z Bilmy (Frederik) and Ischyma Dances with Wolves (Nuppu)

Kirsi says hello to Margeaux and the puppies


Alyne with Lord Orlow and Lebed

Lord Orlow and Frederik

Lentay, Frederik, Alyne, Baala, Fashion and Nuppu

Frederik, Leeloo, Nuppu, Fashion and Alyne

a Lady says hello to our borzois

Frederik and Lord Orlow


Alyne, Frederik, Fashion and Leeloo