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Two Dogshows in Rheinberg on February 14th and 15th 2009

the first day Manfred Langer judged

before the show is starting a little training with our dogs, first Ischyma Lentay 17 months old

Ischyma Maxim 11 months old


Dorina v.d. Nebelhöhle 15months old

Ischyma Kyrill 2 years old

Lentay and Kyrill


Ischyma Libelle


Evelyn is showing Maxim, he got EXC 1 JCAC, Rheinlandjugendsieger 2009 and Junior Best of Breed

he has much power

Dorle is looking what happened

as also Maxim and Karona

Harald with Lentay, he got EXC 2 RVDH in Intermediate class

sadly it's a little dark so the pictures are not all sharp

Ute Ruoff with Kyrill

He got EXC 1 CAC VDH the title Rheinlandsieger 2009 and finally Best of Breed

Harald shows Dorle, she got EXC 2 RJCAC

Maxim is sleeping in a funny position

Harald and Dorle

Nina is showing Karona, she got EXC 1 RCAC VDH

Kyrill takes a snack out of his cup

we had much fun all together

Nina and Karona

competition for BOB


The next day Mrs. Tromp-Prujin was judging

also Ischyma Natascha 6,5 months old  was entered

Nina and Libelle

Evelyn, Natascha and Aron Mundt

again Nina and Libelle

also Ischyma Nijinski Tulpar, aka Ariman, 6,5 month ols was entered, here kissing Evelyn

Ulrike Ebel with Ariman

Evelyn with Natascha

Ulrike with Ariman

today Harald is showing Ischyma McCauley 11 months old

He won EXC 1 JCAC and JBOB like his brother Maxim yesterday

Lentay again got EXC 2 RVDH

today Kyrill got EXC 3

Hilde Mundt with Natascha

Harald with Dorle, she got EXC 1 JCAC and JBOS

today Karona got EXC 4

competition for JBOB