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With friends and some Ischyma Barsois at the CACIB Hannover on 1.11.2008

in the morning we settled down with our hounds

Nuschi and Jaden, the hopefully future parents of our next litter, like each other

Karin and Manfred Stephan with Ischyma Jaden Triskel and Ischyma Junior Triskel

also Steffin and Gunnar Hansen were there to watch the show and meet friends

Jaden in intermediate class

he won and got EXC 1

then Junior in open class

he won also EXC 1

then both competed for the CAC, Jaden got it and later Junior got the RCAC

Jaden competed with the dog from Championclass for the CACIB - and - he got it :-)

happy Karin and Jaden

Shikarnaya iz Doma Karpovoy was shown by his owner Chris Dobler in Juniorclass bitches. She got EXC 2

Harald is showing Ch. Ischyma Hanoeschka, she got EXC 1 VDH and finally RCACIB. With this result she is now new German Champion VDH

at least Jaden also won the Best of Breed

talking with friends, Petra, Gunnar, Marion, Evelyn and Manfred

Petra, Marion, Gerd-Christian, Evelyn and Manfred

while we waited to follow Jaden's results in the "ring of honour" we were interviewed by the German Newspaper "Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung", a very small part of this interview is uploaded on their website. You can find it here: http://www.haz.de/newsroom/regional/art185,722155 you have to click the video

finally Jaden won also BOG 3

the winners, Karin and Jaden

we had a very nice day with our hounds and friends

thanks a lot to Gerd-Christian, who sent us some very nice photos from this day.