On 28.06.08 we organized the
Sighthoundshow in Schloss Ricklingen many of our Ischyma friends helped us with
entering the borzoi and as secretary and ringstuarts. Judge was Andreja Novak from Slovenija
Chris Dobler arrives with Ischyma Inuit-Oona and Shikarnaya iz Doma Karpovoy
Marion Richter and her father Manfred found a place with Ischyma Garrigue, at
the ringside
Ischyma Kazeem-Fandango with Steffi Hansen, he got EXC 1 JCAC in Juniorclass
Karin Stephan with Ischyma Junior Triskel (in the backround Gerd-Christian, who
also made some nice photos)
sadly it was raining when the males intermediate class was on turn
Ute Ruoff shows Ischyma Kyrill
headstudy Ischyma Kyrill
photo by Gerd-Christian
Ischyma Junior Triskel
Petra is writing the reports in another ring where Salukis and other Sighthounds were judged
by Mr. v.d. Snee from the Netherlands, Harald is here the ring-stuart.
Nina Saier is writing the reports from the Borzois
Evelyn is writing at the Afghan-ring under judge Nelly Ahrend/D, but it's so interessting to see what
happened in the borzoiring :-), here Gunnar Hansen is the ring-stuart
Junior got EXC 3 in intermediate class
Kyrill got EXC 2
photo by Gerd-Christian
Ute helps Karin and Arnold Moonen, with presenting Ischyma Gagarin in open clas
Ischyma Borzois in the open class males, Ermak, Gagarin, Garrigue, Irtysch and
Jaden Triskel
Irtysch and Jaden Triskel
Horst Behnke with Ermak
photo by Gerd-Christian
Marion Richter with Garrigue
Arnold Moonen is keeping Kyrill, while Ute is in the ring
talking at the ringside, Horst with Ermak, Karin Moonen with Irtysch and Ute
Ruoff with Gagarin
Marion with Garrigue talked with her father Manfred, Chris Dobler, Steffi Hansen
and Peter Himstedt
Horst and Ermak
Ute and Gagarin
Marion and Garrigue, who is judged by Andreja Novak
Karin and Irtysch
Chris and Manfred with Shikarnaya iz Doma Karpovoy
Ute and Gagarin
Karin and Irtysch
photo: Gerd-Christian
Karin and Jaden
Ermak, Gagarin, Garrigue, Irtysch and Jaden
Jaden got EXC 1 RCAC VDH
Irtysch got EXC 4
Ermak got EXC 2
in Championclass Fandango got EXC 1 VDH
Manfred with Garrigue and Inuit-Oona
photo: Gerd-Christian
photo: Gerd-Christian
photo: Gerd-Christian
photo: Gerd-Christian
Chris with Shikarnaya, who is the first time on a show
Nina is writing what the judge Andreja Novak says
Evelyn and Petra
Steffi with Kandra, she got EXCd 1 VDH in intermediate class
headstudy of Kandra
Chris with Inuit-Oona
Inuit-Oona got EXC 2 RCAC RVDH in open class
Horst and Manfred with Garrigue and Shikarnaya
Thanks to all our
Ischyma-Friends for this great help and support, to make the show to a success.