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On April 5th some of our borzoi were to the Landessieger-Zuchtschau in Schwarzenfeld. Judge was Doris Getzinger from Austria

Hanoeschka and Dorle are waiting in the tent

Family Lohner is coming with Kamee

Ischyma Kamee

small-talk with other exhibitors at the ring-side

Gabriele Lohner and Evelyn

Ch. Jantar a.d. Zarenreich, a son of Ch. Ischyma Camargue, won Landessieger Bayern-Nord 2008. We hope that he will be the father of our next litter.

Ch. Ischyma Carat won EXC 2 RVDH

Ischyma Kamee got VG 2 in Juniorclass, she is without hair in this moment

Ischyma Hanoeschka got EXC 1 CAC VDH in open class

in the meantime came Ischyma Lentay with his owners, they had problems with the traffic


the judge is judging Fashion

Ch. Ischyma Fashion won Exc 1 best Bitch in Championclass and the title Landessieger Nord-Bayern 2008

Fashion and Hanoeschka in competition for best bitch

this time Fashion has won

Ischyma Lentay won Jü-BIS 3 in puppy-class

Ischyma Kamee, headstudy

Ischyma Lentay 8mo

Lentay is happy to see Dorle (Dorina v.d. Nebelhöle) again

Jantar and Hanoeschke, we hope that they will be the parents of our next litter

Lentay won a lot of prices

saying good-bye