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On March 29th some of our borzoi were to a Sighthoundspecialty in Berlin-Phoenix. Judge was Günther Ehrenreich from Austria

Kirsi and Frederik (Chopin z Bilmy)

the first in the Ring was Ischyma Junior Triskel in Juniorclass. He received EXC1 JCAC and JBOB

The second was Ischyma Jaden Triskel in intermediate class. He got EXC 1 CAC VDH and finally Best Male.

Ischyma Heiduck (Marac) was shown in open class. He got only VG3

Chopin z Bilmy (Frederik) got EXC 1 RCAC VDH in open class. He is loosing his coat in the moment.

Petra is coming with the girls, Ischyma Hanoeschka and Cher z Bilmy

Ischyma Heiduck (Marac)

Chopin z Bilmy

Kirsi and Frederik

Karin and Jaden

Ischyma Jaden Triskel

Petra with Marac and Frederik

Karin and Junior

getting JBOB with judge Grünther Ehrenreich

Kirsi and Cher prepairing for the ring

as also Harald and Hanoeschka

Cher z Bilmy


Manfred with Junior and Jaden

Harald and Hanoeschka

Kirsi and Cher

Petra and Frederik in the backround, in front Cher

Harald and Hanoeschka

Cher got EXC 2 RVDH

Hanoeschka got EXC 1 RCAC VDH


Jaden and Cher

Jaden says hello to Petra

Harald and Nuschi with Kirsi and Frederik

Ischyma Hanoeschka

Ischyma Junior Triskel

Ischyma Jaden Triskel

Chopin z Bilmy

Cher z Bilmy

Kirsi and Frederik

brother and sister, Chopin and Cher z Bilmy

after the show

all stuff into the car

Frederik on his place in the car

small party after the show

also Pati the photographer got a beer

finally Karin is spending the delicious cake which she baked in the morning

because of the bad weather we had to eat it in the car