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The first weekend in December we spent few wonderfull days in Petra Sparenborg's home on the Island Baltrum (http://www.baltrum-ferien.de) Here are the photos:

und der Spaß beginnt, and the fun is starting

Frederik and Angora

Angora, Comtess, Cher

Ermak, Harald, Elke, Horst, Claus and Frank

Petra with Garou

the evening with interessting talk in the chimney-corner, Kirsi and Jens
am Abend mit interessanten Gesprächen in der Kamin-Ecke, Kirsi und Jens

Nuppu and Frederik

Petra und Jens

Petra, Elke und Horst in the kitchen, in der Küche



the next morning, Frank is looking at the weather


Baala, Germelin, Cher

and also Petra is looking how it is

Cher, Comtess, Germelin, Carat

Harald, Comtess, Angora


Cher, Carat, Germelin


a nice bap, ein niedliches Brötchen

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