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On Sunday July 4th, Annett Kitsche and Karin und Arnold Moonen visited us with some of the Avant-Garde Art puppies out of Ch. Ischyma Irtysch und Ischyma Fantasy.

Abstract found a cool place

as also Aljuschin

Arnold with Altin

Aljuschin Avant-Garde Art

Amber Avant-Garde Art, he is still avaliable

Altin Avant-Garde Art

Abstract Avant-Garde Art

our borzois were glad to welcome the small family

Maxim and Abstract

Karin Moonen with Aljuschin and Morticia

Fantasy the mother of the puppies relaxed with Altin

Annett with Abstract and Aljuschin

Morticia with Abstract

Karin with Altin

Maxim with Aljuschin


Fanta, Altin and Cezi

Maxim and Aljuschin

Cezi with Altin

Cezi with Aljuschin

our beautifull Carat-daugther Ipatyev Hazi Cezarina Carevna, aka Cezi