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Ischyma Barsois at the Landessiegershow Nordrhein Westfalen in Rheinberg 27.02.2010 judge Mr. Spoljaric/HR

Landessieger NWR 2010 Ischyma Maxim, photo: Marc Planté

Landessieger NWR 2010 Ischyma Maxim, photo: Marc Planté

Landessieger NWR 2010 Ischyma Maxim, photo: Marc Planté

Landessieger NWR 2010 Ischyma Maxim, photo: Marc Planté

very promissing 1 in puppyclass Ischyma Primus, photo: Marc Planté

We started in Puppyclass with Ischyma Primus, 6 months old, onwer: Walter Planté, he received very promissing 1

in intermediate class was entered Ischyma Nijinski Tulpar, owner Ulrike Ebel, he got EXC 2 RVDH

in open class I showed my own JCh. Ischyma Maxim, he got EXC 1 with CAC and VDH and later he also got the title Landessieger NWR 2010

Walter Planté with Minerva and Inge Planté with Jack Russel Amy

our sweet Hungarian Ischyma-Carat-daughter Ipatyev Hazi Cezarina Carevna, was shown the first time in puppyclass and received very promissing 3 as the youngest of 3 nice girls

in intermediate class was entered Ischyma Natascha, owner Gerlinde Paffrath, breeder of the famous German Borzoikennel "von St. Petersburg". She received EXC 1 CAC VDH and the title Landessiegerin NRW 2010

my smalltalk with laughing Ischyma Minerva, owner Walter Planté

Ischyma Minerva, owner Walter Planté received EXC 2 RVDH in intermediate class

Landessiegerin NRW 2010 Ischyma Natascha

Ischyma Nijinski Tulpar and Ischyma Natascha