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Ch. Ischyma Genoveva *16.09.2004 - 05.02.2017
Ch. Ischyma Camargue x Basandrin Garna
owner: kennel "du clos Vrémontois" of Guy and Francoise BOURRASSET, France
email: bourrasset.cclb@wanadoo.fr


Luxembourg Champion
Lauréat-Standard Performance
Landesjugendsiegerin Weser-Ems 2005

10 years old getting EXC 2 at the French Nationale D'Élévage


4 years old, winning EXC 1 CACIB and CAC at the CACIB-show in Lausanne

photo: Gerhard Franz

photo: Gerhard Franz

photo: Gerhard Franz
3 years old

please click here for the pedigree

V3 in open class at CACIB Lyon Champinnat de France on 08/06/08 under judge: Alain Campagne/F
V1 CACL in open class at CACIB Luxembourg on 30/03/08 under judge: Andre v.d. Broek/NL
V1 BOB BOG-4 CACIB CAC best female in open class at CACIB Bourg en Bresse/F on 16/02/08 under judge: Jean-Louis BRASSAT LAPEYRIERE/F
V1 CACIB best female in open class at Paris Dog Show/F on 06/01/08 under judge: Mr. Kostopoulous/P
V1 CACIB best female in open class at CACIB Valence/F on 03/03/07 under judge: Mrs. Lombard/F
V1 in Intermediate class at CACIB Championnat de France on 17/06/06 under judge: Mrs. Lombard/F
V1 in Intermediate class at CACIB Lyone on 04/06/06 under judge: Mr. Besson/F
V1 in Intermediate class at CACIB Bourg en Bresse on 19/02/06 under judge: M. M. Bourasset/F
V3 in Intermediate class at CACIB Montpellier on 29/01/06 under judge: Claude Voilett/F
V1 JBOB at CAC Lage on 03/07/05 under judge: Mrs. Wagner/LUX
V1 JBOS at CAC Zschepplin/Gruna on 02/07/05 under judge: Dr. Peter Arnold/D
V1 JBOB Landesjugendsiegerin Weser-Ems 2005 at LS-CAC Ostercappeln on 26/06/05 under judge: Al Weinraub/USA
V2 at CACIB Szczecin on 18/06/05 under judge: Seamus Oates/IRL
vvspr at CAC Großenhain on 04/06/05 under judge: Wolfgang Baumann/D
vvspr Jü-BIS2 at LS-CAC Oberhausen on 16/04/05 under judge: Elmar Sistermann/D


Photo: B. Wickli

Photo: B. Wickli

Photo: B. Wickli

Photo: B. Wickli

ischyma_genoveva_1_6j.jpg (56785 Byte)
18 months old
ischyma_genoveva_1_8j.jpg (70679 Byte) ischyma_genoveva_c06.jpg (42861 Byte) ischyma_genoveva_1stcoursing.jpg (51367 Byte)
18 months old - at her first coursing

15 months old
ischyma_genoveva_17mo.jpg (71477 Byte)
17 months old

1 year old

14 months old
ischyma_genoveva_1j_family.jpg (57145 Byte) ischyma_genoveva_1jnewhome.jpg (48323 Byte)
1 year old

7 months old

6 months old:


5 1/2 months old:

ischyma_genoveva_5_5mo.jpg (58347 Byte)

4 1/2 months old:


15 weeks old:

ischyma_genoveva_15wo.jpg (48996 Byte)


14 weeks old:


12 weeks old:

11 weeks old:


10 weeks old:


9 weeks old


8 weeks old:



7 weeks old:

6 weeks old:


5 weeks old:


4 weeks old:


3 weeks old: 

2 weeks old: 

1 week old: 

