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Ch. Ischyma Fashion * 28.09.2003 - 08.08.2014
(Ch. Rajski Ptak Polot x Ch. Ischyma Alyne)

owner / Besitzer: Ischyma Barsois

winning Veteran-BOB, DWZRV-Verbands-Veteranensieger 2014 under judge: Diotima Schäfer/D

winning Veteran-BOB at the Borzoi-Yearsshow 2014 under judge: Anne Midgarden/USA

10 years and 8 months old

10 years 3 months old

10 years old

10 years old with her friend Morticia

7 years old

6 years old, photo Gerd-Christian

7 years old

photo: Peter-Josef Euskirchen
Best in Show Köln 2010

5 years old

DWZRV-Verbands-Veteranensiegerin 2014 with BOB
Deutsche Veteranen Championesse DWZRV
Deutsche Veteranen Championesse VDH
Deutsche Championesse DWZRV
Deutsche Championesse VDH
Landessiegerin Baden-Kurpfalz 2011
VDH-Bundessiegerin 2009
Winner Amsterdam 2007
Place 1 German Borzoi Toplist 2008
Landessiegerin Nordrhein-Westfalen 2008
Landessiegerin Bayern Nord 2008
Landessiegerin Berlin-Brandenburg 2006
Bundesjugendsiegerin 2004
Verbandsjugendsiegerin 2004
Junior Winner Donaueschingen 2004

Degenerative Myelopathie - Genotyp: N/N (frei/free)

please click here for the pedigree

mother of Ischyma J-litter

V1 Landessiegerin Bayern-Nord 2008 BOB at CAC-LS Münster on 03.05.2008 Judge : Mr. Andre v.d. Broek/NL
V1 Landessiegerin Bayern-Nord 2008 at CAC-LS Schwarzenfeld on 05.04.2008 Judge : Mrs. Doris Getzinger/A
V1 BOB VDH at CAC Rheinberg 16/02/08 judge: Willem Buitenkamp/NL
V1 BOB CACIB VDH at CACIB Nürnberg 19/01/08 judge: Jochen Eberhardt/D
V1 Winner Amsterdam 2007 CAC CACIB BOS at Winner-Show Amstardam 2007 25/11/07 judge: Manfred Langer/D
V1 R CACIB CWC  at CACIB Szczecin 16/06/07judge: Espen Engh (N)
V1 VDH in Championclass at CAC-LS Moritzburg 27/08/06 judge: Dr. Jakkel/H
V1 in Championclass at the Polish Sighthoundclubshow 2006 26/08/06 judge: Dr. Kazimierz Rychlik/PL
V1 Landessiegerin Berlin-Brandenburg Best Bitch VDH in Champion class at CAC-LS Potsdam 12/08/06 judge: Mrs. Ing. Radana Maresova/CZ
V1 VDH in Championclass at CAC Hildesheim 05/08/06 judge: Mr. Uwe Fischer/D
V2 RCAC RVDH in open class at CAC  Tüttleben 11/06/2006 breederjudge:Andreja Novak/Slo
V2 in open class at FCI-Eurosighthoundshow 2006 28/05/2006 Judge : Wolfgang Baumann/D
V1 CAC VDH in open class at CAC Eilenburg 25/05/06 judge: Mr. Elmar Sistermann/D
2nd place Coursing Gruna with 97 points 07/05/06.
1st place CACC at Coursing Volkmarsen with 110 points 23/04/06.
V2 RCAC RVDH in open class at CAC Langerwisch 18/02/06 under judge: Elmar Sistermann/D
V1 CWC in Intermediate class at CACIB Szczecin/PL 19/06/05 judge: Mr. Seamus Oates/IRL
V1 CAC best bitch in Intermediate class at CAC Großenhain 04/06/05 judge: Mr. Wolfgang Baumann/D
V1 CAC RCACIB in Intermediate class at CACIB Erfurt 2005 03/04/05 judge: Mr. Aleksander Ivanov/RUS
V1 RCAC in Intermediate class at CAC Issum 2005 29/01/05 judge: Mrs. Birgit Piesik/D
V1 RCACS in Intermediate class at09/01/05  Paris Dog Show 2005 judge: Mr. Revaz Khomasuridze, Rus
V1 Bundesjugendsiegerin 2004 14/10/04 under judge: Mrs. Wilfriede Schwerm-Hahne/D
SG1 JBOB in Berlin under 21/08/04 judge: Mrs. Birgit Piesik/D
V1 Junior Winner Donaueschingen 2004 in Donaueschingen 08/08/04 under judge: Mr. Huidobro/E
V1 JBOB in Donaueschingen under 07/08/04 judge: Mr. Vuorinen/FIN
V1 JBOB in Schloss Ricklingen 24/07/04 under judge: Petru Muntean/BG
V1 Verbandsjugendsiegerin 2004 in Köln 10/07/04 under judge: Uwe Fischer/D
Fashion was on her first show in puppyclass 10/04/04 and got "very promissing"

ischyma_fashion_2_5jgw1.jpg (53902 Byte)
Photo: Claudia Vinschen

4 years old

3 years old

ischyma_fashion_2_5j.jpg (75970 Byte)
2,5 years old
ischyma_fashion_2_5j_gw.jpg (58280 Byte) ischyma_fashion_2_5jgw.jpg (57749 Byte)
Photo: Claudia Vinschen
ischyma_fashion_17mo1.jpg (47474 Byte)
17months old with her sister Fantasie and Barin
ischyma_fashion_17mo_gw.jpg (56637 Byte) ischyma_fashion_18mo.jpg (79903 Byte)

9months old 
ischyma_fashion_11mo.jpg (90606 Byte)
11months old winning Junior Winner Donaueschingen 2004
ischyma_fashion_bs04.jpg (60008 Byte)
13months old winning Bundesjugendsiegerin 2004
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17months old
ischyma_fashion_6_5mo1.jpg (54144 Byte)
8 months old

4,5 months old
ischyma_fashion_5mo.jpg (76393 Byte)
5 months old

5 months old
ischyma_fashion_6mo1.jpg (71381 Byte)
6 months old
ischyma_fashion_3_7mo1.jpg (46270 Byte)
3,5 months old
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3 months old

3 months old
ischyma_fashion_3_5mo1.jpg (67141 Byte)
3,5 months old

3,5 months old

11 weeks old
ischyma_fashion_3mo1.jpg (48468 Byte)
3 months old
ischyma_fashion_3mo3.jpg (67902 Byte) ischyma_fashion_3mo4.jpg (72318 Byte)

11 weeks old

10 weeks old

9 weeks old

8 weeks old


7 weeks old

6 weeks old

5 weeks old

4 weeks old


3 weeks old

2 weeks old

1 week old

1 day old